Recommended Repairers and Parts Suppliers

The following suppliers and repairers have been recommended by Rover Car Club members. Each listing includes information regarding the businesses specialist area. Click on the business name in burgundy or the website picture to go to their website.


If the lights on your Rover are equivalent to a couple of candles, contact Anthony at Classic and Vintage bulbs. He can supply a range of LED or Halogen bulbs suitable for older vehicles and make your car safer to drive after dark. The service is friendly, efficient and Anthony is very knowledgeable.

Rover Barn

RCCSA Club Members Graham and Lindsey Hunter have an extensive range of parts for P4, P5/B and P6/B Rovers.

Do you need parts for your Rover P4, P5/B, or P6/B?

Maybe you’d like to have that spare ‘something’ on hand just in case? RCCSA Members Graham and Lindsey Hunter have a large stock of bits and pieces, both NEW (NOS,OEM, REPRO) and EXCELLENT PRE-OWNED CONDITION.

No rubbish, guaranteed!

You never know – we might just have that hard to find part you are looking for. We specialise in chrome, trim, lenses, seals and gaskets, but we have much more too!

So before searching on eBay, interstate or overseas, take a look at our current stock lists and buy local – you’ll save on price, and freight costs as well.

We aim to price all of our parts substantially below eBay and retail outlets, offering excellent value for Club Members. Just phone or email us for a copy of our stock lists – they’re updated regularly.

Graham 0418 537 777    Lindsey 0419 810 665


Rimmer Bros are the UK’s biggest supplier of Rover, Land Rover, Jaguar and Triumph parts, and post parts worldwide. They have every part available new for Rover 75 and SD1. They can supply every component for your Rover V8.

Rimmer Bros.


Sovereign Automotive Britparts in Adelaide can supply a wide range of parts for your Land Rover/Rover and are specialists with the Rover KV6 engines. They operate the largest non-dealer Land Rover and Jaguar workshop in South Australia.

Sovereign Automotive Britparts   


British Car Components have a broad range of parts for early and later Rover and MG Rover vehicles.

British Car Components


Triumph Rover spares are reputed to be the biggest Land Rover wrecker in the world. They have a large number of Rover 75’s being dismantled, and usually a small number of SD1’s. They stock a large range of  Rover V8 engine parts and tuning accessories and have extensive workshop facilities.

Triumph Rover Spares



MG Rover Parts – E-Car Parts, can supply new old stock, and newly remanufactured parts for all MG Rover vehicles. Owners of Rover 75 MGZT’s can source a large range of parts from E-Car who will deliver at very competitive prices quickly world wide.

MG Rover eCar Parts



Scotts Old Auto Rubber not only supply rubber, but numerous parts for a wide range of Rover vehicles.

Scotts Old Auto Rubber Rover Parts

Suppliers of:
• Pre 1976 Rover products (P1 to P6B)
• O.A.R. Co Rubber products
• Fasteners and Hardware
• Rust repair sections
• Body Panels
• Engine and other components and whatever….
Tel. (03) 9545 3222
PO Box 105 Mt. Waverley, Vic 3149
Scott’s premises has been sold and is now closed. We are now trading only on-line and our new telephone number is advised above. Our PO Box, email and website addresses remain unchanged. All ordered parts will be forwarded by mail or courier.
We apologise for any inconvenience



A keen local enthusiast specialising in Land Rover and early Range Rovers and Rover V8 powered vehicles.

British 4 x 4


Predominately focussing on Land Rover and Range Rovers, TR Spares is an Australian based company that also has a list of parts for Rover 75’s and SD1’s.

TR Spares



Windscreen fitting

Complete Windscreens. 220 Main North Road, Prospect (08) 8269 4444 (ask for Lindsay or Haydn).  All model Rovers, they will even fit P5/B front & rear.

Complete Windscreens



Australian Locksmiths. 97 Churchill Road, Prospect 1300 005 397. One-sided & two-sided Rover keys a speciality.  Mobile service available.

Australian Locksmiths



Motor trimmers

Spencer Motor Trimmers.  39 Muller Road, Hampstead Gardens. 8261 6164. Vintage & Classic repairs & restorations are their speciality. Ask for Mike or Ken.

Spencer Motor Trimmers


A very comprehensive list of parts suppliers and services is provided for RCCSA members on the ‘Technical Information’ page of this website.


While these suppliers and repairers have been recommended by Rover Car Club members, the Rover Car Club of South Australia do not take responsibility for any negative experience or transaction between any individual and any business listed above.


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